Sunday, January 29, 2012

I thought that he was right that people kind of separate themselves from people who are not like them. People with the same interests and the same social circle use the same social media sites. By doing so, they alienate others. It makes sense to me that people choose to have a MySpace or Facebook account by knowing which one, they're friends have and which one, they mostly use. I also agree that Facebook is a lot classier; MySpace does seem "ghetto". I never actually had a MySpace so I can't say much about it. I have seen my friends' MySpaces and it's really different from Facebook (which I have). I didn't experience this classification because I didn't change social media sites. I got a Facebook first and that's the only one I've stuck to. I was able to see the difference in the people who continued to use MySpace and the people who started using Facebook. I'm Armenian, so I saw all my Armenian friends switching to Facebook. Yet there were others who stayed with MySpace. I didn't personally experience the switch but saw it.

Considering there isn't much you can design on Facebook, I really don't know what to say about the design. I could tell you that I post funny statuses, like jokes and stuff. I might also put a status about something cool that I've seen or something that was funny; things like a movie I've see, an album I liked, or maybe something about what's going on in the world. I also put up photos that I find on the iFunny app or pictures I have taken. Other than that my friend posts links and wall posts on my wall about politics. He always keeps me posted on the Republican primaries. I also occasionally put links (songs) by my favorite artists. My Facebook is filled with funny stuff, links related to politics, and songs. Those are the signs that I chose to communicate my identity with. This shows my friends what kind of person I am. It shows that I'm an easy going person, who's interested in politics and likes certain songs and movies. I don't like sharing my personal life on Facebook. I'm definitely not some one who uses a status as their diary nor do I put up pictures of me in front of the bathroom mirror. I try to avoid that.


  1. Good call on avoiding the bathroom mirror photos.

    One thing that got me thinking in response to your post was the idea of social circles. Think about social circles in real life versus the online life, if you will. Do you think an online social circle can put you in a bubble by not interacting with others? In other words, in real life, you will meet others, but online, you don't have to. Facebook can narrow your interests and even suggest friends for you. Do you find this problematic?

  2. Yes, I believe social circles can put you in a bubble by not interacting with others. I think this is problematic because it doesn't allow you to meet others who you might actually be good friends with. You will never find that out. Even if you are different from another person. opposites attract. That's why I believe Facebook isn't the best social network because it creates social circles.
